In this lesson about "the offering" which was given as law to the Hebrews, we are reminded that God wants our first and our best, from a willing submitted heart that truly wants to show Him the honor, love, and praise that He deserves and desires. My earthly dad always said, "You can't out give God." My husband and I have found that it sure is fun to try, but as usual daddy was right.
The lesson of "the offering" to the Hebrews was a foreshadowing of a better covenant to come in the future, when Jesus would come and set all things right again in the world. Over half have been fulfilled by Him, and we anxiously await the remaining three.
Follow along with us as we study E.W. Kenyon's book "The Bible in the Light of Our Redemption." He does an awesome job throughout the book of helping us to understand the Old Testament through truths that come from the New Testament, and understand the New Testament based upon the foundation of the Old Testament.